December 01, 2009

Personal Bests

26.14 km (16 mi)This was my last run on Saturday.   Took me over 2:20, and it was not on purpose at all.  I just headed out and trekked through a new course. I had a perfect day of little wind, my body felt energetic and I was able to keep my tunes going! These are the days I really enjoy running.  It boosts me to have pushed myself beyond where I have gone before, wther breaking a PR or lengthening my runs.  There is always a cost... my feet really hurt as did my hips ache after that long run.  What  I love about this is that I am finding out how much I can do, and it is something very personal to be on the trail, hoofing it alone.  What about your "this is why I  love to run" moments?  What are those for you?  Give me some feedback!


Kenley said...

Running gives me a sense of accomplishment each and every time I do it, whether its an easy 2 miler or 9 miles ( my farthest so far). I find running to be artistic in nature. A true form of rolling energy. Good going on the 16 miles. I am interested in the endurance aspect of running. As I have been running now seriously for about a year, it gives my life a sense of purpose. It's what I am. I enjoyed your post. Keep em coming. I just did a new post today you might enjoy that kind of correlates to this one. Just 5 miles, though, not 16. lol. Thanks, have an awesome day Running Man!

Emmett said...

Love the blog, keep up the good work!

Chad said...

Thanks Emmett! Wow, looking at your transformation, it looks like you have been shedding some pounds~! Way to go!

Chad said...

Hey Kenley. I am at home sick today... not able to get out and run. Great post BTW. Rolling energy? What is that?

Kenley said...

Hey Chad, hope you are feeling better today than yesterday. Seems like everyone is getting sick. "rolling energy" ,well, between you and I, I sort of just made it up. It sounded good at the moment. But.........If I could elaborate on it, I would say that it is like kinetic energy constantly going. I had a great 7 miler today, like in the post. Better than the 5 miler on Sunday. I felt ahhh the 1st 4 miles. mile 5 I was slugging like a slug. BUT......6 I was doing better. The last mile I freak'n blazed man. I don't know what happened but the best way to describe it is like being in a video game and stepping on a power pack. Well, this is long enough. Have a good one. Get better!

Chad said...

LOL about the power pack . Okay, thanks for enlightening me.

Kenley said...

lol. any time man, any time!