September 04, 2009

I threw up a little in my mouth

Personal Record,PR. A daunting goal. I was not fixing to go for it this last 10 k. They are uncomfortable. The time is this carrot on a stick. But last week, I felt particularly inspired to attempt to crack it. My last PR was on my first 10 k race here in my home town. 43:20. It was right around my goal time, but I was pleased with the result. I did it. Then, heading home into my street, my stomach heaved! Yes, I threw up a little in my mouth. Gross.

I started off and felt good. My splits are never negative when I try to crack the time. Its not been my priority for speed, more about distance for my longer runs. I knew as I approached my half way point, I had a chance, so I pushed on. It was the mental anguish of the last 3 k that did me in, it always does. My body wanted to ease off, but I told it to keep hitting it hard. I know i am doing this when I can hear wind in my ears.

So, my PR is now offically 42:40. i am that much closer to a sub 40 min 10 k. But I wont be trying that again soon. I have a marathon to worry about! Plus, I hate gagging.

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