November 05, 2010

The Effect Of Asthma On Runners

My Run This Morningwas cut short by an asthma attack.  Really, I have little struggles with my lifelong chronic disease, and have previously blogged about the subject of asthma , but I still have to say I remain ignorant at times about my own disease.  Partly out of forgetfulness and laziness, I do not always prepare properly even when i know that this time of year, when the weather turns colder, my chest will have problems.  I have noticed since the marathon that my times have dropped as has my energy.  This is partly asthma related, party because of a career change that has altered my daily routine so that I must go out before 530 am !  By 10 am I am dropping off to sleep!  
What I would like to hear more about is how other asthmatics handle their triggers, I will post them !
AS I have mentioned before, running has changed my disease to almost be non-existent.  I still must avoid triggers to keep it under control, but have very little need for medication since my body adapted to running so well!  For that I am thankful.

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