For those daysI have specific concerns, needs, stress, worries or just need to unload some things in my heart, running becomes that intimate place that I can connect with God. Im no spiritual wonder kin. Im just a guy who lives God and who has committed his life to more than just the daily grind,,like getting my piece of the pie. Running itself lends itself to working things out physically. However, it is my prayer life, my walk with God that enhances my running. He has changed my life so radically. That relationship changes everything on my runs; my mind focuses, my heart reaches out and I find God there waiting for me to focus on Him.
Prayer and running, especially my longer runs, become a rhythm to pace my heart to a different beat.
Yesterday the Father brought some people to mind who need prayer, and some who I need to forgive. Today this impression was repeated in a sermon from my friend; forgiveness is key to growing, to being free personally and relationally. I am glad I was able to hear it before today's worship service.
Prayer is not complicated. We are made to pray, to reach out to our Creator. We do it whether we mean to or not. You may want to try it on your next run. Just being thankful and saying thank you and then asking questions is a great start. These were some of my first prayers. Are you out there? Could you show me? Thanks for my family, my life!
The endorphins alone are a great reason to run, but my prayer life just naturally seeps into my meditative exercise regime.