January 05, 2010

Of Gollum and Slushees

Well Back to Winter my runs have been slushy.  I am trying to run harder, keep my speed up, but in the snow, my traction is iffy at best.  So I slow down in the thicker snow. 
Another thing to slow me is my sliught Christmas weight gain.  about 5 or 6 pounds more to slog around... yes you heard it people, Mr.  Self-righteous couldn't help but eat Grandpa's butter tarts or those caramels chocolates or those scrumptious mars bars rice crispy squares which bewitch his soul.  So back to the grind, I really need to oust my house of all those delicious treats.  Another thing that calls my sweet tooth is the half price sales on chocolates post Christmas.  Man those Turtlles want to come home with me.... no, I must diminish.
Anyhow, my runs need pep.  I had semi trucks "muddy slush" me on my long run last weekend., literally spraying slush allover my legs and shoes  22 km with wet legs and feet.  Why do people not pull over a bit more to give me room to run on the highway anyhow???  I think they secretly delight in slushing me.
It would have been what I would have done to those I felt were doing something I thought was "noble".  And there you have it.  Runner's piety.  You know that self-righteous tone vegans and runners and yoga class - goers all have, that they are somehow superior and enlightened.  I guess I am da man to a few.    I don't want to be!  In fact, this could have been the reason I refrained from talking about it among certain people. I can hear it in the tone of my siblings, who  call me "gollum" because of my weight loss.  Its that "look at this pompous jerk making us all look bad" thoughts we all have about those on some new  self improvement kick.  Even the fit and active people have those we know are much more committed.  "Oh, you run?  Well, do you "ultra-run"??  No?  Oh too bad, its really hard..."  We hate them.  until we do it.  Then we are them.  And there is always someone better faster or more diehard.   Such is life.  Striving on this front is a losing situation if you must always be on top!  Everyone most likely unless they are paid, call themselves a middle packer.'  There is always room for improvement!

I do think this can be a good thing though, to keep the ego in check and keep us humble.  Its a sliding scale, and one that can't be focused on, or we would go mad.  But when we have the chance to 'slush' that  annoyingly smug person, what glee comes from our hearts!!! Just don't slush me.


teresa said...

Chad, I thought you had brown eyes.

Chad said...

no, sadly i have the same eye color as the tormented creature. thanks for pointing that commonality out!

Kenley said...

Dang, those truck drivers. Sorry about the slush. I am slowly but surely getting my behind out in the snow and facing the temps. I went for my first one the other day and actually loved it. It builds character. I just avoided the roads. As far as weight, I too gained a little more the past few weeks. I had fun though. As far as losing weight as a whole, My family is from the south, North Carolina, and it seems that if you are not overweight at least a little, something is wrong with you. You need more gravy pumped in to your blood stream. When I went down there the last time, I got that "look", and then the question. What in the world have you been up to, to lose weight? What? Am I not allowed to after all these years, change into a healthier person. I believe (dont know where exactly) it says in the Bible about having a healthy body. Before I turn this comment into a post, which I tend to do on a frequent basis, You have a good one. Great Posts = super long comments I guess. Keep it up, You are an inspiration.

Chad said...

Thankssssssss precioussssssssssssssss.

Darrell said...

Successful weightloss and a healthy life style are convincting to many. Oh, well.....

Stay humble.

Chad said...

Hey Darrrell! Happy New year!
I just found out about a new maranthon right in my own home town of Oliver, calle dthe SOWA 1/2 corked Marathon... its put on by local wineries! (OUr town is dubbed the wine capital of Canada due to the huge volume of vineyards in this little desert area. Pretty exciting! That should pu t my humble on for sure.